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Below is a list of common errors in Go. Click on any of them to find out frequent causes, fixes, and more.

context.DeadlineExceeded "context deadline exceeded" package: context
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go build "no new variables on left side of :=" package: n/a
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go build "undefined: <variable name>" package: n/a
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template.ParseGlob() "html/template: pattern matches no files:" package: html/template
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go build "invalid identifier character U+201C '“'" package: n/a
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go build "invalid identifier character U+201D '”'" package: n/a
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pq.ErrSSLNotSupported "pq: SSL is not enabled on the server" package:
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os.ErrNotExist "file does not exist" package: os
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Created by Jon Calhoun, but you can check out the source and contribute on GitHub